Yuri Ozhigov
Professor, chair of supercomputers and quantum informatics,
Faculty VMK, Moscow State University
Publications see at
Some of old publications
1. Ozhigov Y.I. Amplitude quanta in multiparticle system simulation, Russian Microelectronics, 2006, 35, 1, 53-65.
2. Ozhigov Y.I., Realistic models of fermionic quantum computations, Proceedings of the conference "Quantum information processing and decoherence", Les Hauche, 27-31 April 2004, Proceedings of DEICS.
3. Ozhigov Y.I., Quantum recognition of eigenvalues, structure of devices and thermodynamical properties, ZhETF, 2003, vol. 123, iss. 2, pp. 384-398.
4. Ozhigov Y.I., Fedichkin L.E., Quantum computations with fixed interaction is universal, Pis'ma v ZhETF, 2002, vol. 76, iss. 10, pp. 746-751.
5. Ozhigov Y.I. Quantum recognition of logical formulas, Dokl. RAN (RAS), ser Informatics, 2000, 10 (10), pp. 1234-1239.
6. Ozhigov Y.I. Quantum computers speed up classical with probability zero, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 1999, 10, 1147-1163.
7. Ozhigov Y.I., Lower bounds of a quantum search for an extreme point, Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 1999, 455, 2165-2172
Conferences, seminars and grants
ICMNE Conference, section "Quantum informatics" (permanently, 1 in 2 years) - member of Program Committee, seminar on quantum informatics in MSU (permanent) - co-chair, Russian Fond for basic Research (RFFI) - 2015 and earlier, INTAS 04-77-7289, NIX #F793/8-05, RFFI
e-mail: ozhigov@cs.msu.su, postal address: Y.Ozhigov, Chair of Supercomputers and quantum informatics, Faculty VMK, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gori, Moscow GSP-2, web: http://sqi.cs.msu.ru/