About the School:
The Quantum Cryptography School for Young Students is a unique, week-long enrichment program for students hosted by the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo. This year the program will run through August 12 — 16, 2013. The school offers an interesting blend of lectures, hands-on experiments and group work focused on quantum cryptography — a cutting-edge field that utilizes the fascinating laws of quantum mechanics to develop unbreakable encryption that protects communication.
Students get a first-hand look into the physics and mathematics of quantum mechanics, cryptography and how they merge into one of the most exciting topics in contemporary science — quantum cryptography. Participants meet and collaborate with some of the most renowned researchers the field has to offer. Daily social activities encourage relationship building between participants.
QCSYS covers all costs associated with the program except travel to and from Waterloo. Travel bursaries are
available. All students, including those from the Waterloo region, stay in a university residence with QCSYS chaperones. The program has space for 40 participants.
Подробная информация по ссылке: http://iqc.uwaterloo.